Sunday, December 13, 2009

Maxine For President

Apparently there are those who don't realize Nov. 4th has passed because they keep forwarding this one around....---PEF

GO MAXINE!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes I think Maxine should run for president -- she was right on with this one!
Everyone concentrates on the problems we're having in this country lately -- illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in
Florida .... Florida ....
GO MAXINE!!!!!!!!!!

.... not me -- I concentrate on solutions for the problems -- it's a win-win situation.

* Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border.
* Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levees.
* Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.

Any other problems you would like for me to solve today? Yes!

Think about this:
1. Cows
2. The Constitution
3. The Ten Commandments


Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.

They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq ... why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore.


The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this -- you cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians ... it creates a hostile work environment.

Also, think about this ... if you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone -- YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!

It is time for America to speak up

Yep, I passed it on!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Nice Grouping

Ok, this one is to help us gear up for elections next month. Cuz you know nothing gets forwarded like a funny forward with a political slant!

> Subject: Fw: Question worth answering
> Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 11:47:45 -0800
> Question worth answering
> Question: You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two
> small children. Suddenly, a dangerous looking man with a huge knife comes
> around the corner and is running at you while screaming obscenities. In
> your hand is a Glock .40 and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds
> before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?
> Liberal Answer:
> Well, that's not enough information to answer the question! Does the man
> look poor or oppressed? Have I ever done anything to him that is inspiring
> him to attack? Could we run away? What does my wife think? What about the
> kids? Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of
> his hand? What does the law say about this situation? Is it possible he'd
> be happy with just killing me? Does he definitely want to kill me or would
> he just be content to wound me? If I were to grab his knees and hold on,
> could my family get away while he was stabbing me? This is all so
> confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for a few days to try to
> come to a conclusion.
> Conservative Answer:
> Texan's Answer:
> BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! click... (sounds of
> clip being ejected and fresh clip installed)
> Wife: "Sweetheart, he looks like he's still moving, what do you kids
> think?"
> Son: "Mom's right Dad, I saw it too..."
> Daughter: "Nice grouping Daddy!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

SO true!

Jeff Foxworthy on School Employees

YOU might be a school employee if you believe the playground should be

equipped with a Ritalin salt lick.

YOU might be a school employee if you want to slap the next person who says, 'Must be nice to work 8 to 3:30 and have summers off.

YOU might be a school employee if it is difficult to name your own child because there's no name you can come up with that doesn't bring high blood pressure as it is uttered.

YOU might be a school employee if you can tell it's a full moon or if it going to rain, snow, hail....anything!!! Without ever looking outside.

YOU might be a school employee if you believe, 'shallow gene pool' should have its own box on a report card.

YOU might be a school employee if you believe that unspeakable evils will befall you if anyone says, 'Boy, the kids sure are mellow today..'

YOU might be a school employee if when out in public, you feel the urge to snap your fingers at children you do not know and correct their behavior.

YOU might be a school employee if you have no social life between August and June.

YOU might be a school employee if you think people should have a government permit before being allowed to reproduce.

YOU might be a school employee if you wonder how some parents MANAGED to reproduce.

YOU might be a school employee if you laugh uncontrollably when people refer to the staff room as the 'lounge.'

YOU might be a school employee if you encourage an obnoxious parent to check into charter schools or home schooling and are willing to donate the U-HAUL boxes should they decided to move out of district.

YOU might be a school employee if you think caffeine should be available in intravenous form.

YOU might be a school employee if you can't imagine how the ACLU could think that covering your students chair with Velcro and then requiring uniforms made out of the corresponding Velcro could ever be misunderstood by the public.

YOU might be a school employee if meeting a child's parent instantly answers this question, 'Why is this kid like this?'

YOU might be a school employee if you would choose a mammogram over a parent conference.

YOU might be a school employee if you think someone should invent antibacterial pencils and crayons...and desks and chairs for that matter!

YOU might be a school employee if the words 'I have college debt for this?' has ever come out of your mouth.

YOU might be a school employee if you know how many days, minutes, and
seconds are left in the school year!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

the average salary for a lawyer with 20 years or more experience in the U.S. is a little more than $100,000.

March 11, 2009

Are you sitting down? Obama plans to pay for his $3.6 trillion-dollar spending bill by raising taxes on "the rich." I know, I know ... I was pretty shocked, too.

The bad news is, by hiking taxes in a recession, Obama will turn a disaster into a catastrophe. But there's good news, too. The "rich" include most of Obama's biggest supporters!

While liberals love being praised for their looks, their style, their brilliance and their courage, the one quality they don't want talked about is their money. To the contrary, Democrats are constantly boasting about how poor they are -- as if that's a virtue in a capitalist society with no class barriers.

No matter how much money they have, liberals will be damned if they're giving up the poor's mantle of angry self-righteousness. This is especially true if their wealth came by inheritance, marriage or the taxpayer, the preferred sources of income for Liberalus Americanus.

Democrats' claims of poverty merely serve to show how out of touch elected Democrats are with actual incomes in America.

At the Democratic National Convention, for example, there were heartfelt tributes to the daunting self-sacrifice of both Barack and Michelle Obama for passing up lucrative jobs to work in "public service" -- which apparently is now defined, such as in Michelle Obama's case, as "working as a 'diversity coordinator' at a big city hospital for $300,000 a year."

Seriously, even with a company car, full medical benefits and six weeks' paid vacation thrown in, how do people live on that?

Meanwhile, the average salary for a lawyer with 20 years or more experience in the U.S. is a little more than $100,000. If Michelle Obama doesn't lay off all this "giving back" stuff pretty soon, she's going to find herself in Warren Buffett's tax bracket.

During the campaign, Joe Biden was also praised by the Democrats for being the poorest U.S. senator -- as if that were a major accomplishment.

Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, touted Biden as "a good example of a working-class kid," adding that, to this day, Biden was "one of the least wealthy members of the U.S. Senate." Only a Democrat would list "never really made anything of myself" on his resume.

On the Huffington Post, operated by a woman who acquired her wealth by marrying a rich gay guy connected to Big Oil, liberal blogger Steven Clemons gloated that, unlike John McCain, Biden wouldn't "forget the number of houses he owns," adding that, in 2006, Biden was ranked the poorest U.S. senator.

And at his high school reunion Biden was voted "most likely to try to bum a ride off of somebody." Vote Biden!

According to tax returns for Biden and his public schoolteacher wife, in 2006, their total income was $248,459; in 2007, it was $319,853 -- putting the couple in the top 1 percent of all earners in the U..S.

This, my friends, is the face of poverty in America. At least in the Democratic Party. It's located just below that row of hair plugs. The Bidens are yet another heart-rending example of America's "hidden poor" -- desperately needy families hidden behind annual incomes of a quarter million dollars or more paid by the taxpayer. My fellow Americans, we can do better.

The national median household income was $48,201 in 2006 and $50,233 in 2007. Working for the government pays well.

If liberals are going to show how in touch they are with normal Americans by demanding a Marxist revolution against the rich every time they control the government, how about taking a peek at the charitable giving of these champions of the little guy?

According to their tax returns, in 2006 and 2007, the Obamas gave 5.8 percent and 6.1 percent of their income to charity. I guess Michelle Obama has to draw the line someplace with all this "giving back" stuff. The Bidens gave 0.15 percent and 0.31 percent of the income to charity.

No wonder Obama doesn't see what the big fuss is over his decision to limit tax deductions for charitable giving. At least that part of Obama's tax plan won't affect his supporters.

Meanwhile, in 1991, 1992 and 1993, George W. Bush had incomes of $179,591, $212,313 and $610,772. His charitable contributions those years were $28,236, $31,914 and $31,292. During his presidency, Bush gave away more than 10 percent of his income each year.

For purposes of comparison, in 2005, Barack Obama made $1.7 million -- more than twice President Bush's 2005 income of $735,180 -- but they both gave about the same amount to charity.

That same year, the heartless Halliburton employee Vice President Dick Cheney gave 77 percent of his income to charity. The following year, in 2006, Bush gave more to charity than Obama on an income one-third smaller than Obama's. Maybe when Obama talks about "change" he's referring to his charitable contributions.

Liberals have no intention of actually parting with any of their own wealth or lifting a finger to help the poor. That's for other people to do with what's left of their incomes after the government has taken its increasingly large cut.

As the great liberal intellectual Bertrand Russell explained while scoffing at the idea that he would give his money to charity: "I'm afraid you've got it wrong. (We) are socialists. We don't pretend to be Christians."
March 11, 2009

Are you sitting down? Obama plans to pay for his $3.6 trillion-dollar spending bill by raising taxes on "the rich." I know, I know ... I was pretty shocked, too.

The bad news is, by hiking taxes in a recession, Obama will turn a disaster into a catastrophe. But there's good news, too. The "rich" include most of Obama's biggest supporters!

While liberals love being praised for their looks, their style, their brilliance and their courage, the one quality they don't want talked about is their money. To the contrary, Democrats are constantly boasting about how poor they are -- as if that's a virtue in a capitalist society with no class barriers.

No matter how much money they have, liberals will be damned if they're giving up the poor's mantle of angry self-righteousness. This is especially true if their wealth came by inheritance, marriage or the taxpayer, the preferred sources of income for Liberalus Americanus.

Democrats' claims of poverty merely serve to show how out of touch elected Democrats are with actual incomes in America.

At the Democratic National Convention, for example, there were heartfelt tributes to the daunting self-sacrifice of both Barack and Michelle Obama for passing up lucrative jobs to work in "public service" -- which apparently is now defined, such as in Michelle Obama's case, as "working as a 'diversity coordinator' at a big city hospital for $300,000 a year."

Seriously, even with a company car, full medical benefits and six weeks' paid vacation thrown in, how do people live on that?

Meanwhile, the average salary for a lawyer with 20 years or more experience in the U.S. is a little more than $100,000. If Michelle Obama doesn't lay off all this "giving back" stuff pretty soon, she's going to find herself in Warren Buffett's tax bracket.

During the campaign, Joe Biden was also praised by the Democrats for being the poorest U.S. senator -- as if that were a major accomplishment.

Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, touted Biden as "a good example of a working-class kid," adding that, to this day, Biden was "one of the least wealthy members of the U.S. Senate." Only a Democrat would list "never really made anything of myself" on his resume.

On the Huffington Post, operated by a woman who acquired her wealth by marrying a rich gay guy connected to Big Oil, liberal blogger Steven Clemons gloated that, unlike John McCain, Biden wouldn't "forget the number of houses he owns," adding that, in 2006, Biden was ranked the poorest U.S. senator.

And at his high school reunion Biden was voted "most likely to try to bum a ride off of somebody." Vote Biden!

According to tax returns for Biden and his public schoolteacher wife, in 2006, their total income was $248,459; in 2007, it was $319,853 -- putting the couple in the top 1 percent of all earners in the U..S.

This, my friends, is the face of poverty in America. At least in the Democratic Party. It's located just below that row of hair plugs. The Bidens are yet another heart-rending example of America's "hidden poor" -- desperately needy families hidden behind annual incomes of a quarter million dollars or more paid by the taxpayer. My fellow Americans, we can do better.

The national median household income was $48,201 in 2006 and $50,233 in 2007. Working for the government pays well.

If liberals are going to show how in touch they are with normal Americans by demanding a Marxist revolution against the rich every time they control the government, how about taking a peek at the charitable giving of these champions of the little guy?

According to their tax returns, in 2006 and 2007, the Obamas gave 5.8 percent and 6.1 percent of their income to charity. I guess Michelle Obama has to draw the line someplace with all this "giving back" stuff. The Bidens gave 0.15 percent and 0.31 percent of the income to charity.

No wonder Obama doesn't see what the big fuss is over his decision to limit tax deductions for charitable giving. At least that part of Obama's tax plan won't affect his supporters.

Meanwhile, in 1991, 1992 and 1993, George W. Bush had incomes of $179,591, $212,313 and $610,772. His charitable contributions those years were $28,236, $31,914 and $31,292. During his presidency, Bush gave away more than 10 percent of his income each year.

For purposes of comparison, in 2005, Barack Obama made $1.7 million -- more than twice President Bush's 2005 income of $735,180 -- but they both gave about the same amount to charity.

That same year, the heartless Halliburton employee Vice President Dick Cheney gave 77 percent of his income to charity. The following year, in 2006, Bush gave more to charity than Obama on an income one-third smaller than Obama's. Maybe when Obama talks about "change" he's referring to his charitable contributions.

Liberals have no intention of actually parting with any of their own wealth or lifting a finger to help the poor. That's for other people to do with what's left of their incomes after the government has taken its increasingly large cut.

As the great liberal intellectual Bertrand Russell explained while scoffing at the idea that he would give his money to charity: "I'm afraid you've got it wrong. (We) are socialists. We don't pretend to be Christians."

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Can Mormon Women Help Muslim Women?

My imam father came after me with an axe
Hannah Shah had been raped by her father and faced a forced marriage. She fled, became a Christian and now fears for her life
Dominic Lawson

We are all too familiar with the persecution of Christians in countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan. Yet sitting in front of me is a British woman whose life has been threatened in this country solely because she is a Christian. Indeed, so real is the threat that the book she has written about her experiences has had to appear under an assumed name.

The book is called The Imam’s Daughter because “Hannah Shah” is just that: the daughter of an imam in one of the tight-knit Deobandi Muslim Pakistani communities in the north of England. Her father emigrated to this country from rural Pakistan some time in the 1960s and is, apparently, a highly respected local figure.

He is also an incestuous child abuser, repeatedly raping his daughter from the age of five until she was 15, ostensibly as part of her punishment for being “disobedient”. At the age of 16 she fled her family to avoid the forced marriage they had planned for her in Pakistan. A much, much greater affront to “honour” in her family’s eyes, however, was the fact that she then became a Christian – an apostate. The Koran is explicit that apostasy is punishable by death; thus it was that her father the imam led a 40-strong gang – in the middle of a British city – to find and kill her.

Hannah Shah says her story is not unique – that there are many other girls in British Muslim families who are oppressed and married off against their will, or who have secretly become Christians but are too afraid to speak out. She wants their voices to be heard and for Britain, the land of her birth, to realise the hidden misery of these women.

Hannah’s own voice is quiet and emerges from a tiny frame. She is clearly nervous about talking to a journalist and the stress she has been under is betrayed by a bald patch on the left side of her head. Yet she has a lovely natural smile, especially when she reveals that she got married a year ago; her husband works in the Church of England, “though not as a vicar”.

I tell Hannah that the passages in her memoir about her sexual abuse are almost impossible to read – but I also found it hard to understand why, now that she is in her early thirties, independent and married, she has not reported her father’s horrific assaults on her to the police.

“What has stopped me is that if my dad went to prison, the shame that would be brought upon the rest of the family would be horrific. My mum would not be able to . . . I mean, it’s bad enough having a daughter who’s left, is not agreeing to her marriage and is now a Christian. Then to have my dad in prison would be the end for her.”

I tell Hannah, perhaps a little cruelly, that in her use of the word “shame” she is echoing the sort of arguments that her own family had used against her.

“I understand that, but what I’m saying is that if I do that, then there will never be a door open to me to have contact with my family ever again. I’m still hoping that there will be some opportunity for that.” Of course, by writing this book, albeit under an assumed name and with all the places and characters disguised, there is a chance that her family and community will identify themselves in it. What does she think they would do, then?

“To be honest, I don’t even want to think about that. Either they will decide between them that they are not going to say anything because it will bring shame on all the community, or they will decide that they want to take action. Then my life will become even more difficult, because they’ll all be looking for me.”

Hannah’s description in the book of the moment when her “community” discovered the “safe” home where she had fled after becoming an apostate is terrifying. A mob with her father at its head pounded and hammered at the door as she cowered upstairs hoping she could not be seen or heard. She heard her father shout through the letter box: “Filthy traitor! Betrayer of your faith! Cursed traitor! We’re going to rip your throat out! We’ll burn you alive!”

Does she still believe they would have killed her? “Yes, without a doubt. They had hammers and knives and axes.”

Why didn’t you call the police after-wards? “First, I didn’t think the police would believe me. That sort of thing just doesn’t happen in this country – or that’s what they’d think. Second, I didn’t believe I would get help or protection from the authorities.”

Hannah had good reason for this doubt. When, at school, she had finally summoned the courage to tell a teacher that her father had been beating her (she couldn’t bring herself to reveal the sexual abuse), the social services sent out a social worker from her own community. He chose not to believe Hannah and, in effect, shopped her to her father, who gave her the most brutal beating of her life. When she later confronted the social worker, he said: “It’s not right to betray your community.”

Hannah blames what is sometimes called political correctness for this debacle: “My teachers had thought they were doing the right thing, they thought it showed ‘cultural sensitivity’ by bringing in someone from my own community to ‘help’, but it was the worst thing they could have done to me. This happens a lot.

“When I’ve been working with girls who were trying to get out of an arranged marriage, or want to convert to Christianity, and they have contacted social services as they need to get out of their homes, the reaction has been ‘we’ll send someone from your community to talk to your parents’. I know why they are doing this, they are trying to be understanding, but it’s the last thing that the authorities should do in such situations.”

This is the sort of cultural sensitivity displayed by Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, last year when he suggested that problems within the British Muslim community such as financial or marital disputes could be dealt with under sharia, Islamic law, rather than British civil law. What did Hannah, now an Anglican, think on hearing these remarks?

“I was horrified.” If you could speak to him now, what would you say to the archbishop? “I would say: have you actually spoken to any ordinary Muslim women about the situation that they live in, in their communities? By putting in place these Muslim arbitration tribunals, where a woman’s witness is half that of a man, you are silencing women even more.”

She believes the British government is making exactly the same mistake as Rowan Williams: “It says it talks to the Muslim community, but it’s not speaking to the women. I mean, you are always hearing Muslim men speaking out, the representatives of the big federations, but the government is not listening to Muslim women. With the sharia law situation and the Muslim arbitration tribunals, have they thought about what effect these tribunals have on Muslim women? I don’t think so.”

It’s fair to say that Hannah Shah is an evangelical Christian, who clearly feels a duty to spread her new faith to Muslims– something with which the Church of England’s eternally emollient establishment is very uncomfortable and the government even more so. She points out that even within this notionally Christian country, people are “persecuted” for evangelism of even the mildest sort. She cites the recent cases of the nurse who was suspended for offering to pray for a patient and the foster parents who were struck off after a Muslim girl in their care converted to Christianity.

“Such people – I’m not talking about apostates like me – have been persecuted or ostracised in this country simply because they want to share their faith with others. People call this political correctness but I actually think it is based on a fear of Muslims, what they might do if provoked.”

Shah’s conversion seems to have its origins in the fact that the family who put her up after she ran away from the prospect of an arranged marriage in rural Pakistan were themselves regular church attenders. She began to go with them and, to put it at its most banal, she liked what she heard.

“It was the emphasis on love.

The Islam that I grew up knowing and reading about doesn’t offer me love. That’s the biggest thing that Christianity can and does offer. I sense that I belong and am accepted as I am – even when I do wrong there is forgiveness, a forgiveness which Islam does not offer.”

So does Hannah offer Christian forgiveness to the father who raped and abused her and who, by her own account, was even prepared to murder her?

“It’s taken a long time and it’s only in the past few years that I’ve got to that. It’s very hard to get there and it’s taken a lot of shouting and screaming behind closed doors, and praying, to get me to the point of being able to say: I forgive. I have to, partly because otherwise I would be a very bitter and angry person and I don’t want to livea life that’s full of anger.”

I can’t help asking how she would react if a future child of hers decided she wanted to abandon the Christian faith of the family home and become a Muslim. “It would be very hard for me, obviously.”

Would she try to discourage it? “No. I’d bring them up as Christians, take them to church, but I’d also want them to know about, well, my culture, about Islam. Because being Christian should be a choice, not what you’re born to. But yes, it would be hard if they chose Islam.”

Somehow, though, I think Hannah Shah would cope.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Consider This


A woman, renewing her driver's license at the County Clerk 's office,

was asked by the woman recorder to state her occupation.

She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.

'What I mean is, ' explained the recorder,

'do you have a job or are you just a ...?'

'Of course I have a job,' snapped the woman.

'I'm a Mom.'

'We don't list 'Mom' as an occupation,

'housewife' covers it,'

Said the recorder emphatically.

I forgot all about her story until one day I found myself

in the same situation, this time at our own Town Hall.

The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised,

efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like,

'Official Interrogator' or 'Town Registrar.'

'What is your occupation?' she probed.

What made me say it? I do not know.

The words simply popped out.

'I'm a Research Associate in the field of

Child Development and Human Relations.'

The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and

looked up as though she had not heard right.

I repeated the title slowly emphasizing the most significant words.

Then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement was written,

in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.

'Might I ask,' said the clerk with new interest,

'just what you do in your field?'

Coolly, without any trace of fluster in my voice,

I heard myself reply,

'I have a continuing program of research,

(what mother doesn't)

In the laboratory and in the field,

(normally I would have said indoors and out).

I'm working for my Masters, (first the Lord and then the whole family)

and already have four credits (all daughters).

Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities,

(any mother care to disagree?)

and I often work 14 hours a day, (24 is more like it).

But the job is more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers

and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money.'

There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she

completed the form, stood up, and personally ushered me to the door.

As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by my glamorous new career,

I was greeted by my lab assistants -- ages 13, 7, and 3.

Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model,

(a 6 month old baby) in the child development program,

testing out a new vocal pattern.

I felt I had scored a beat on bureaucracy!

And I had gone on the official records as someone more

distinguished and indispensable to mankind than 'just another Mom.'


What a glorious career!

Especially when there's a title on the door.

Does this make grandmothers

'Senior Research Associates in the field of Child Development and HumanRelations'

And great grandmothers

'Executive Senior Research Associates?'

I think so!!!

I also think it makes Aunts

'Associate Research Assistants.'

Please send this to another Mom,



And other friends you know.

May your troubles be less,

Your blessing be more,

And nothing but happiness come through your door!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Can You Jump Rope Like This?

Subject: Can You Jump Rope Like This?

Remember when we were kids and used to jump rope? Well, these girls have taken it to limit!! They are incredible!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Don't Open Until You Can Respond!!

You are 1 of my 13; don't open until you can respond. Hi - I am picking13 people who have touched my life and who I think would want to receive this.Please send it back to me (You'll see why). In case you are not aware, Saint Theresa is known as the Saint of the Little Ways, meaning she believed in doing the little things in life well and with great love. She is represented by roses.May everyone who receives this message be blessed. Theresa's Prayer cannot be deleted. REMEMBER to make a wish before you read the prayer.That's all you have to do.There is nothing attached. Just share this with people and see what happens on the fourth day. Sorry you have to forward the message, but try not to break this, please. Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive.Read the prayer below. Saint Theresa's Prayer May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be confident knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us. Now, send this to13 people within the next 5 minutes.And remember to send this back.I count as 1...You'll see why.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Cup of Tea

One day my mother was out and my dad was in charge of me.

I was maybe 2 years old. Someone had given me a little 'tea set' as a gift and it was one of my favorite toys.

Daddy was in the living room en grossed in the evening news when I brought Daddy a little cup of 'tea', which was just water. After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, my Mom came home.

My Dad made her wait in the living room to watch me bring him a cup of tea, because it was 'just the cutest thing!' My Mom waited, and sure enough, here I come down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy and she watches him drink it up.

Then she says, (as only a mother would know.. :)

'Did it ever occur to you that the only place she can reach to get water is the toilet?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mother Teresa

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
Mother Teresa

Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.
Mother Teresa

Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired.
Mother Teresa

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.
Mother Teresa

Each one of them is Jesus in disguise.
Mother Teresa

Even the rich are hungry for love, for being cared for, for being wanted, for having someone to call their own.
Mother Teresa

Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.
Mother Teresa

God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you try.
Mother Teresa

Good works are links that form a chain of love.
Mother Teresa

I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.
Mother Teresa

I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness.
Mother Teresa

I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.
Mother Teresa

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.
Mother Teresa

I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn't touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I willingly cure him for the love of God.
Mother Teresa

I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbor. Do you know your next door neighbor?
Mother Teresa

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
Mother Teresa

If we want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.
Mother Teresa

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
Mother Teresa

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
Mother Teresa

Monday, June 22, 2009

Organic farming and backyard gardening ILLEGAL - PLEASE FORWARD

Subject: Fwd: Organic farming and backyard gardening ILLEGAL - PLEASE FORWARD


If you grow your own garden, buy organic produce, enjoy local farmers market, raise any animal for milk, eggs, or meat, or just enjoy eating read on:
What would you think if tomorrow you had to register your backyard garden with the government? Be subject to unannounced inspections? Have to go through mountains of red tape and regulations? Break the law by growing organic produce? Face up to 5 years in prison or up $1 million in fines if you don't comply? Think it couldn't happen? Think again.
There is a bill in congress right now that would do all that and more and it is expected to PASS. It would eventually wipe out every backyard garden, organic farmer, small family farm, goat, chicken, and cow. It's called H.R.875 Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 and it would make americans serfs on their own land. It is backed by huge international corporations who want to control food supplies so they can control the market for food and make more money. This has already happened with similar bills in the EU, UK, and in many other countries worldwide. Organic farmers are being shut down in those countries right now.
See the second half of this message for a detailed analysis of the bills parts and what they mean to family farms and organic farmers. Please send at least one email or fax to a congressman and forward this message to everyone who eats.
Here's the bill in full form
The FSMA mandates registration of every “food production facility,” which the
bill defines as “any farm, ranch, orchard, vineyard, aquaculture facility, or
confined animal-feeding operation;” and every “food establishment,” which the
bill defines as “a slaughterhouse..., factory, warehouse, or facility owned or
operated by a person located in any State that processes food or a facility that
holds, stores, or transports food or food ingredients.”
H.R. 875 makes NAIS look tame. This bill will not just sweep up commercial food
operations. The fine print of the FSMA will subject hobby gardeners, home
canners, anyone with a few chickens, or anyone who “holds, stores, or transports
food” - including mushrooms or wild berries gathered in the wild - to
registration, extensive management, and inspection by a huge new bureaucracy,
the Food Safety Administration (FSA)- even if the food items will only be
consumed personally. And registration must be via “an electronic portal,” which
will be costly and difficult for those without computers.
The FSMA is an extremely dangerous bill. We recommend a multi-prong attack, as
the more salvos we throw at the FSMA the better chance we have of killing this

Send email asking congressmen not to pass HR875 out of committee here
THEN GO TO and enter your zip code in the "find officials" field and EMAIL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES in the house!!!!!

a.. Contact House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, via phone: (202) 225-0100, or email:
b.. Contact the House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, via phone: 202.225.3130, or

c.. Contact the House Republican Leader John Boehner, via phone: (202)
225-4000, fax: (202) 225-5117, or email:
On March 11th Congress will hold its first hearing in many years on the National
Animal Identification System (NAIS), conducted by the Livestock, Dairy and
Poultry Subcommittee. It is vitally important you contact all the committees

a.. Contact the Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Subcommittee members listed
below. If one of the Subcommittee members is from your state, call that member.

b.. Mike Rogers (R-AL)

c.. Phone: 202-225-3261

d.. Fax: 202-226-8485

e.. Dennis Cardoza (D-CA)

f.. Phone: 202-225-6131

g.. Fax: 202-225-0819

h.. Jim Costa (D-CA)

i.. Phone: 202-225-3341

j.. Fax: 202-225-9308

k.. Joe Baca (D-CA)

l.. Phone: 202-225-6161

m.. Fax: 202-225-8671

n.. Betsy Markey (D-CO)

o.. Phone: 202-225-4676

p.. Fax: 202-225-5870

q.. David Scott (Chair), (D-GA)

r.. Phone: 202-225-2939

s.. Fax: 202-225-4628

t.. Leonard Boswell (D-IA)

u.. Phone: 202-225-3806

v.. Fax: 202-225-5608

w.. Steve King (R-IA)

x.. Phone: 202-225-4426

y.. Fax: 202-225-3193

z.. Walt Minnick (D-ID)

aa.. Phone: 202-225-6611

ab.. Fax: 202-225-3029

ac.. Frank Kratovil, Jr. (D-MD)

ad.. Phone: 202-225-5311

ae.. Fax: 202-225-0254

af.. Adrian Smith (R-NE)

ag.. Phone: 202-225-6435

ah.. Fax: 202-225-0207

ai.. Tim Holden (D-PA)

aj.. Phone: 202-225-5546

ak.. Fax: 202-226-0996

al.. David P. Roe (R-TN)

am.. Phone: 202-225-6356

an.. Fax: 202-225-5714

ao.. K. Michael Conaway (R-TX)

ap.. Phone: 202-225-3605 or 866-882-381

aq.. Fax: 202-225-1783

ar.. Randy Neugebauer, Ranking Minority Member (R-TX)

as.. Phone: 202-225-4005 or 888-763-1611

at.. Fax: 202-225-9615

au.. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA)

av.. Phone: 202-225-5431

aw.. Fax: 202-225-9681

ax.. Steve Kagen (D-WI)

ay.. Phone: 202-225-5665

az.. Fax: 202-225-5729

ba.. Contact your own Representative and ask him or her to approach the
Subcommittee member to urge them to oppose HR875 and NAIS.
If you’re not sure who represents you, click here:
We strongly recommend that you make at least your initial contact by telephone.
Additionally, H.R. 875 has been assigned to the committees on Energy and
Commerce, and Agriculture.

a.. Contact members of the Energy and Commerce Committee via phone: (202)
225-2927, or email:\

b.. Contact members of the Agriculture Committee via phone: 202-225-2171, fax:
202-225-8510, or email: . Committee members are listed here:
Make as many contacts as possible. Be polite, but firm.

a.. Tell them Americans will not stand for this unwarranted and
unconstitutional abrogation of our liberty!


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Tom Deweese most recent columns
Tom Deweese the publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and is the President of
the American Policy Center, a grassroots, activist think tank headquartered in
Warrenton, Virginia.
Tom can be reached at:
Older articles by Tom Deweese
A solemn walk through HR 875.

By Linn Cohen-Cole

Description of the article:

The Pennsylvania Sustainable Agriculture Association PASA sent out Food and Water Watch's information about HR 875 which lists "facts" to counter "myths" and "rumors" on the internet. It gives no specifics to back up its "facts," so the following close up view of the bill and accompanying commentary offers the reader a chance to decide for themselves what is myth and what is fact.

Title: A walk through HR 875 ... so you can decide for yourself.

Authors: Sue Diederich and Linn Cohen-Cole

The Pennsylvania Sustainable Agriculture Association sent out this message with Food and Water Watch's information about HR 875 which lists a series of "facts" to counter "myths" and "rumors" on the internet. It gives no specifics to back up its "facts" so the following offers the reader a chance to decide for themselves what is myth and what is fact by giving them a close up view of the bill and accompanying commentary.

The FWW assertions are in grayish blue, as are the inserted portions of the bill which have all been provided by Sue Diederich who also provides her own comments in black italics usually . Sue is the head of IICFA, the Illinois Independent Consumers and Farmers Association, an organization formed to protect the rights of farmers and consumers to deal directly with each other without government interference.

My comments are in blue.

Occasionally, Sue and I feel something is essential for people to see and those comments are in red. (It should all be in red, really, since so few organizations appear to have read the bill or seem to know how to read the bill or have thought through its massive cumulative impact or been concerned at its endlessly broad reach and over incredibly vague things.)

People seem to expect the bill to be titled "The Criminalization of Organic Farming and the Take over of the US Food Supply," and when they don't see any words to that effect anywhere in the bill, they declare "this bill is fine" and those seeing dangers are "alarmists." Do they think the industrial side is composed of fools? These are the same people who make cheery cereals with cartoon characters on the box when, inside, high fructose corn syrup is all over the cereal and it comes from <http://www.organicc onsumers. org/articles/ article_776. cfm> Bt-corn associated with diabetes and <http://www.scienced releases/ 2007/08/07082309 4819.htm> HFCS is, too, and there is an epidemic here even among children. They know how to package. Why do people understand that industrial food inside a box can be a problem and yet are so innocent about looking at the bills, not realizing there is packaging there, too, or how much is at stake that the public and even legislators not see since this is about taking control. The industrial side aren't idiots.

Understanding parts of the bill at times depends on smelling smoke as you read it. Here in the US, we still have only smoke ... an Ohio state ag department SWAT team raid on an organic coop, Pennsylvania ag department raids on horse and buggy Mennonites, California setting coliform levels so low fresh milk dairy farmers would need cows that produced pasteurized milk right out the udder, arrest and handcuffing of a single mother in front of her children for selling goat milk, the USDA paying its agents bonuses for foreclosing on farms, ... But in the EU where 60% of the Polish farmers are now gone because of identical bills enacted into law there, and 60 UK farmers have committed suicide, there is fire. And in Iraq, where they have been rendered helpless serfs by the theft of their country's seeds and criminalization of farmers' collection of their own seed, it is roaring. And in India where 182,000 farmers have committed suicide since the WTO and IMF got hold of agriculture and our Big Ag firms went in there, and 8 million farmers have left the land, it is out of control.

The WTO, run by the multinational meat packers and genetic engineering corporations, want HR 875, here. The bills are "harmonized" rules for globalization of food and lower food safety standards to allow for it. Those corporations are members of NIAA, a corporate consortium that brought NAIS, created by <http://ppjg. wordpress. com/2009/ 01/17/nais- and-the-internat ional-criminal- court/> Anne Veneman, to the USDA to be made into law.

We begin with PASA offering FWW's take on the bills to its members.

PASA members, 
The following information about a bill now before Congress, HR 875, was developed by our friends at Food and Water Watch, and forwarded to us by the National Sustainable Ag Coalition (NSAC), of which PASA is a member.

This Myth/Fact sheet was developed to help answer some of the rumors that are fairly rampant on the Internet right now. We will keep a close eye on the situation, and share further updates from NSAC as they become available. 

Myths and Facts
H.R. 875 - The Food Safety Modernization Act

MYTH: H.R. 875 "makes it illegal to grow your own garden" and would result in the "criminalization of the backyard gardener."

FACT: There is no language in the bill that would regulate, penalize, or shut down backyard gardens. This bill is focused on ensuring the safety of foods sold in supermarkets.

Though private residences are not specifically included, nor are they specifically excluded. While this does not immediately affect home owners growing tomatoes in the backyard, entered testimony leaves the door open for just that in the future. Referring back to the Bio-Terrorism Act, in a discussion on this very topic and entered in the official record of debate on the interim rule, (bold/underline = mine), the same argument exists here and no new definitions or exclusions have been provided in HR 875 - and "reasonable" is a subjective term in theory as well as practice...


(A) IN GENERAL- The term `food establishment´ means a

Slaughterhouse (except those regulated under the Federal Meat

Inspection Act or the Poultry Products Inspection Act), factory,

Warehouse, or facility owned or operated by a person located in

Any State that processes food or a facility that holds, stores,

Or transports food or food ingredients.

Now, every home in the country holds food after buying it from the

Grocery store. Will they be included too?

------------ --------- -------

He, no. They're going to be magnanimous and say that, while they could,

They won't right now.

Excerpted from the same Interim Rule:

"(Response) FDA has concluded that private individual residences are

Not ''facilities' ' for purposes of the registration provision of the
Bioterrorism Act. Under the Bioterrorism Act, the term ''facility''
Includes ''any factory, warehouse, or establishment. '' Congress did not Specify any definition for these terms.

Under their common meanings,
The terms can include private residences. For example, according to Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary (1994), the most
Relevant definition of ''establishment' ' is ''a business firm, club,
Institution, or residence, including its possessions and employees.''
However, ''[I]n determining whether Congress has specifically addressed

The question at issue, the court should not confine itself to examining
A particular statutory provision in isolation * * *.

It is a fundamental canon of statutory construction that the words of a
Statute must be read in their context and with a view to their place in
The overall statutory scheme.''' FDA v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco
Corp., 529 U.S. 120, 121 (2000).

Other parts of the registration Provisions in section 415 of the FD&C Act indicate that Congress only Intended businesses to register, and raise a question as to whether Congress intended that private individual residences, even though food Is manufactured/ processed, packed, or held at such residences, be Considered facilities.

For instance, a registrant is required to submit''the name and address of each facility at which, and all trade names Under which, the registrant conducts business * * * '' (21 U.S.C.

Thus it is unclear whether Congress intended all Individual private residences at which food is manufactured/ processed, Packed, or held to be included in the term ''facility.' ' Furthermore, The requirement that a facility submit its ''name'' as well as its ''trade names'' raises a question as to whether Congress intended ''facility'' to include private individual residences since it is Unlikely that a home would have a name or a trade name.

Where the words Of the statute are ambiguous, an agency may make a reasonable Interpretation of the statute. Chevron, USA, Inc. V. NRDC, Inc., 467 U.S. 837, 842-843 (1984); Brown & Williamson, supra, at 132.

Consistent with the language of section 415(a)(2) discussed
Previously, the agency concludes that interpreting the term
''facility'' to exclude private individual residences is a reasonable
Construction for purposes of registration.

This interpretation, However, does not necessarily preclude a reasonable construction of Other provisions of the FD&C Act to include such residences."

[I do get that residences are easily included.]

MYTH: H.R. 875 would mean a "goodbye to farmers markets" because the bill would "require such a burdensome complexity of rules, inspections, licensing, fees, and penalties for each farmer who wishes to sell locally - a fruit stand, at a farmers market." 

FACT: There is no language in the bill that would result in farmers markets being regulated, penalized any fines, or shut down. Farmers markets would be able to continue to flourish under the bill. In fact, the bill would insist that imported foods meet strict safety standards to ensure that unsafe imported foods are not competing with locally-grown foods.

Section 406 clearly states all food offered for sale will be viewed as being in interstate commerce and subject to the provisions of this bill.


In any action to enforce the requirements of the food safety law, the connection with interstate commerce required for jurisdiction shall be presumed to exist

8) CATEGORY 4 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT- The term `category 4 food establishment´ means a food establishment that processes all other categories of food products not described in paragraphs (5) through (7).

(9) CATEGORY 5 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT- The term `category 5 food establishment´ means a food establishment that stores, holds, or transports food products prior to delivery for retail sale.

14) FOOD PRODUCTION FACILITY- The term `food production facility´ means any farm, ranch, orchard, vineyard, aquaculture facility, or confined animal-feeding operation.

[Sue, say it again and again, "this applies to farms and can apply to homes." It certainly looks to me that families baking cookies for bake sales could easily be included.]


(a) Authorities- In carrying out the duties of the Administrator and the purposes of this Act, the Administrator shall have the authority, with respect to food production facilities, to--

(1) visit and inspect food production facilities in the United States and in foreign countries to determine if they are operating in compliance with the requirements of the food safety law;

(2) review food safety records as required to be kept by the Administrator under section 210 and for other food safety purposes;

(3) set good practice standards to protect the public and animal health and promote food safety;

(4) conduct monitoring and surveillance of animals, plants, products, or the environment, as appropriate; and

(5) collect and maintain information relevant to public health and farm practices.

(b) Inspection of Records- A food production facility shall permit the Administrator upon presentation of appropriate credentials and at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, to have access to and ability to copy all records maintained by or on behalf of such food production establishment in any format (including paper or electronic) and at any location, that are necessary to assist the Administrator- -

(1) to determine whether the food is contaminated, adulterated, or otherwise not in compliance with the food safety law; or

(2) to track the food in commerce.

(c) Regulations- Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture and representatives of State departments of agriculture, shall promulgate regulations to establish science-based minimum standards for the safe production of food by food production facilities. Such regulations shall--

(1) consider all relevant hazards, including those occurring naturally, and those that may be unintentionally or intentionally introduced;

(2) require each food production facility to have a written food safety plan that describes the likely hazards and preventive controls implemented to address those hazards;

(3) include, with respect to growing, harvesting, sorting, and storage operations, minimum standards related to fertilizer use, nutrients, hygiene, packaging, temperature controls, animal encroachment, and water;

They never mention seeds but this is precisely how they will criminalize seed banking and all holding of seeds.

[Notice they mention harvesting, sorting and storage operations, then watch below.

To follow how this will be done, you must understand that:

1. there is a small list inside the FDA called "sources of seed contamination"
2. in which they have now defined "seed" as food,
3. so seeds can be controlled under "food safety."

Those seeds (so far) include:

seeds eaten raw such as flax, poppy sesame, etc.;
sprouting seeds such as wheat, beans, alfalfa, most greens, etc.;
seeds pressed into oils such as corn, sunflower, canola, etc.;
seeds used as animal feed such as soy ....

That is most seeds. Seeds are essential to life and thus to freedom.

The "sources of seed contamination" include six little items:

agricultural water
manure (but NOT chemical pesticides or fertilizers)
harvesting, transporting and seed cleaning equipment
seed storage facilities

What you must realize is that seed cleaning equipment is THE single most critical piece of equipment for sustainable agriculture. It is how we save organic seed. It is the machinery used after plants "go to seed" to separate out (sort) the seeds from the plant material so the farmer can collect (harvest) and then save (put in storage) seed for the next year at little cost. With his own seed, the farmer stays free of patented, genetically engineered, corporately privatized seeds.

You must also understand that Monsanto is getting rid of the people who do the seed cleaning and <http://www.opednews .com/articles/ The-multiple- ways-Monsanto- by-Linn-Cohen- Cole-090203- 854.html> many other means of our having access to seed .

This year, 2009, seed cleaning equipment is now illegal in some parts of the country which tips us off to both the intent to control seeds in this way and to how they could do things under this bill.

How can they make such vital equipment illegal? Quietly, and by saying it contaminates food.

"Contaminate" is their favorite word since the public fears the deadly contamination that industry itself - not farmers - has caused. Scare the public and thus push for "food safety standards" to be set.

And to eliminate seed cleaning equipment, they haven now set the standards so seed cleaning (the simple separation of seed from plant) will now require a million to a million and a half dollar building and/or equipment ... per line of seed.

So, a farmer who has been seed cleaning flax for 40 years with a hand made seed cleaner can't sell flax on the market anymore, though there are NO instances of anyone ever having gotten sick from seed cleaning equipment. A farmer who has been cleaning wheat, corn and soy each year with the same perfectly fine equipment would now need three to four and half million dollars for three pieces of equipment to continue.

(The FDA isn't so bar-setting when it comes to other things like melamine in baby formula, though it is proven to sicken and kill infants), initially denying the melamine was in our baby formula and then quickly inventing a "foods safety" standard to okay it.)

Organic farmers are not aware of this happening, perhaps because the left is being treated with kid gloves until HR 875 and related bills were passed. But meanwhile the FDA and USDA have been tromping on traditional (many of them farming organically, by the way) farmers for years. The organic community is disconnected from them so hasn't been away of what is happening to them, and they have a history of no one listening to them, with is too bad because it is they who are the ones bringing the warning that these bills are deadly. The organic community, measuring against its own seeming safety, hasn't heard or understood.

Notice, though, that because a single "foods safety" bar has been raised, in time no one will be able to get organic seeds in any number because it will be illegal for all farmers to sell them to anyone.

Now, look at the last item on the list - seed storage facilities.

They would be careful not to ban them all outright given the extreme reaction they would get. But now the method is more clear. "Food safety" is the weapon and public fear is the driver and they only need to set the bar at the level that is impossible to meet.

Farmers, gardeners, seed saving exchanges, seed companies, scientific seed projects, and seed banks, all require "seed storage facilities." All are working overtime to protect biodiversity that is rapidly disappearing because of ... genetic engineering.

Set the standard for "food safety" and certification high enough that no one can afford it and punish anyone who tries to save seed in a multitude of ways that have worked fine for thousands of years, and presto, you have just criminalized seed banking.

The penalties, I will assume, will be tremendous, the better to protect us from nothing dangerous whatever, but to make monopoly over seed more absolute. One is left with control over farmers, and end to seed exchanges, to organic seed companies, to university programs developing nice normal hybrids.

When you know that Monsanto with the help of the US government plundered ancient and rare seed banks in Iraq that held seeds with a genetic heritage (a biohistory belonging to all of us) going back 1000s of years and then made it a crime for farmers there to collect or use their own normal and non-patented seeds off their own land, you see how extreme the intent to control is.

Now, perhaps it is possible to see how the identical thing is being done here, only it comes in a heavily, heavily disguised way - through "food safety" that isn't at all - and in only one tiny little paragraph within a very large bill.

The Iraqis are now abjectly dependent on Monsanto and the US for survival itself and will have to pay whatever prices are set for food. They cannot just grow their own and be free. So, no matter what form of government they may have, they are now slaves because the control over them is that extreme. Kissinger was right - control food and you control people.

We are inches from this ourselves. The left needs to wake up.

This trick of setting bars above any ability to be in the game, is similar to how blacks had been treated.

http://www.opednews .com/ <http://www.opednews .com/articles/ Farming-- Why-Obama- s-gove-by- Linn-Cohen- Cole-090125- 421.html> articles/Farming- -Why-Obama- s- <http://www.opednews .com/articles/ Farming-- Why-Obama- s-gove-by- Linn-Cohen- Cole-090125- 421.html> gove-by-Linn- Cohen-Cole- <http://www.opednews .com/articles/ Farming-- Why-Obama- s-gove-by- Linn-Cohen- Cole-090125- 421.html> 090125-421.html <http://www.opednews .com/articles/ Farming-- Why-Obama- s-gove-by- Linn-Cohen- Cole-090125- 421.html>

This trick of setting bars above any ability to be in the game while imposing fines that destroy people who fail to meet that standard, is sadistic. Then, taking the land as confiscatory payment, is theft by government become totalitarian and colonizing its own people.

There are other items of the list which surely will be controlled as well. In toto, that little list is the deconstruction of farming itself and given the inclusion of manure, especially of organic farming.]

(4) include, with respect to animals raised for food, minimum standards related to the animal´s health, feed, and environment which bear on the safety of food for human consumption;

(5) provide a reasonable period of time for compliance, taking into account the needs of small businesses for additional time to comply;

(6) provide for coordination of education and enforcement activities by State and local officials, as designated by the Governors of the respective States; and

(7) include a description of the variance process under subsection (d) and the types of permissible variances which the Administrator may grant under such process.

(d) Variances- States and foreign countries that export produce intended for consumption in the United States may request from the Administrator variances from the requirements of the regulations under subsection (c). A request shall--

(1) be in writing;

(2) describe the reasons the variance is necessary;

(3) describe the procedures, processes, and practices that will be followed under the variance to ensure produce is not adulterated; and

(4) contain any other information required by the Administrator.

(e) Approval or Disapproval of Variances- If the Administrator determines after review of a request under subsection (d) that the requested variance provides equivalent protections to those promulgated under subsection (c), the Administrator may approve the request. The Administrator shall deny a request if it is--

(1) not sufficiently detailed to permit a determination;

(2) fails to cite sufficient grounds for allowing a variance; or

(3) does not provide reasonable assurances that the produce will not be adulterated.

(f) Enforcement- The Administrator may coordinate with the agency or department designated by the Governor of each State to perform activities to ensure compliance with this section.

(g) Imported Produce- Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall promulgate regulations to ensure that raw agricultural commodities and minimally processed produce imported into the United States can meet standards for food safety, inspection, labeling, and consumer protection that are at least equal to standards applicable to such commodities and produce produced in the United States.

Administrator shall have authority to grant exclusions to foreign producers.

[While it may be obvious to us that this is onerous beyond any capability of coping with it, it needs to be said and described in some detail what it would actually mean for farmers or for us. Here in <http://www.opednews .com/articles/ Monsanto- and-the-Schoolma r-by-Linn- Cohen-Cole- 090214-935. html.%5D> story form is a taste of it, so anyone could feel the insanity of it:

<http://www.opednews .com/articles/ Monsanto- and-the-Schoolma r-by-Linn- Cohen-Cole- 090214-935. html> http://www.opednews .com/articles/ Monsanto- and-the-Schoolma r-by-Linn- Cohen-Cole- 090214-935. html.]


(a) In General- The Administrator shall--

(1) develop, administer, and annually update a national food safety program (referred to in this section as the `program´) to protect public health; and

(2) ensure that persons who produce, process, or distribute food meet their responsibility to prevent or minimize food safety hazards related to their products.

[This is where I think it would be very helpful if you explained how astoundingly onerous that long list is and what its impact would be on any farmer who previously only needed to load up his goods and bringing them to a farmers market - though that in itself is a time consuming, physically effortful job that often begins pre-dawn on those mornings and ends late in the day, all of it separate from growing the food and boxing it up to bring.

A small farm is not an industry with staff to fill out paperwork, handle licensing, manage all the industrial bureaucracy that is being loaded on here, but is most often a couple who is also taking care of a family in addition to growing crops and raising animals. These are precisely the people who we need most as part of our food system and how will clearly be crushed by the grossly inappropriate application of such rules to small farms.]

· MYTH: H.R. 875 would result in the "death of organic farming."

FACT: There is no language in the bill that would stop organic farming. The National Organic Program (NOP) is under the jurisdiction of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Food Safety Modernization Act only addresses food safety issues under the jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

[Of course, they are not going to come straight out and say it. But breaking this down to what is actually involved, you find that:]

The administrator is charged with developing minimum standards, not maximum limits on feed, fertilizers, nutrients etc- right here goes organics.

Secondly, this act creates a new agency, and the FDA becomes the Federal Drug and Device Agency. It combines offices currently under FDA and Commerce Department (National Marine Fisheries).

Third, FSA is to cooperate with the USDA in "promulgating rules and orders" which will have the bearing and impact of law.

To refer back to the previous "Myth"

[The one about foreign food having to meet our standard, right?]

- Alaska, Hawaii, US territories and foreign countries may apply for variances, so... NO... Imported foods do NOT necessarily have to meet the same standards. In fact, many countries have had to lower their standards due to WTO rules and trade agreements, and Australia had to further lower their regulatory standards when they instituted the NLIS program (their version of NAIS). There is no reason to think we would not have to do the same.

[Now, comes the response to whether the bills will meant the end of organic farming.

I'm going to format this differently to accentuate your points, Sue. This section should be a major education for people in how things have been working. This is in response to the myth that the bills will not affect organic farming, right?]

Animal health has traditionally meant medication and hormones, petroleum-based fly sprays and all sorts of other goodies.

Feed can be anything (GMO soy or corn anyone?),

environment can mean pesticides, herbicides used on pastures (IF pasturing is deemed "healthy" - internationally this is NOT so for poultry, in fact in many countries there is NO outdoor poultry anymore - by law).

Nutrients are not necessarily whole food based, many are produced synthetically, and again, petroleum based...

Animal encroachment prevention can be anything from a scarecrow or plastic owl to poison bait and bullets. Not one of these things is specified, yet there is no place for real public opinion in the decision making process provided. I will grant that there is usually a public comment period for federal register entries, for whatever that has been worth in the past.

[Meaning, it has been worth little to nothing. And obviously, the public is left having to respond ad infinitum to one issue after another. Someone compared the numbers of things being thrown at us to try to stop, to carpet bombing so you can't comment on everything, even if it helped which is clearly often doesn't.]


(a) AUTHORITIES.-In carrying out the duties of the Administrator and the purposes of this Act, the Administrator shall have the authority, with respect to food production facilities, to

(1) visit and inspect food production facilities in the United States and in foreign countries to determine if they are operating in compliance with the requirements of the food safety law;

(2) review food safety records as required to be kept by the Administrator under section 210 and for other food safety purposes;

(3) set good practice standards to protect the public and animal health and promote food safety;

[This is where words that sound so friendly and innocuous and even good are code words for international rules set by the WTO that actually define industrial requirements which do not fit real farming in the least, much less organic farming, would be applied.

This is where insane, anti-nature, anti-farming rules like "animals and crops can't exist on the same farm" come into play. Where wild animals aren't ever supposed to be near crops so the government has been poisoning deer and frogs. The list of such manufacturing rules for farming is long, and each very much "efficiency manager comes and wrecks the farm."]

(4) conduct monitoring and surveillance of animals, plants, products, or the environment, as appropriate; and

[Please, those of you who find the idea of NSA-spying intolerable, look carefully at those words. Now, imagine it were your farm, your home on that farm, and realize that the USDA and FDA have been run by and the new agency will be run by Monsanto, Cargill, Tyson´s, ADM. <http://www.organicc onsumers. org/foodsafety/ conagra_tainted_ meat.cfm> Their interest in helping consumers have safer food is nil The bills are meant to eliminate farmers as is now rapidly occurring in the EU with identical ("harmonized" ) bills, now law there.

(5) collect and maintain information relevant to public health and farm practices.

[There needs to be a pause here to consider the implications of each of those on someone's home - their family's farm. This is quite different from applying them to industrial sites where no one lives, and beyond that, these powers are so broad and vague, they are dangerous if only in that.

Those things listed open the door to total control, warrantless entry and perpetual surveillance. Notice how innocuous they have made it appear, even beneficial - always about public health. Yet, the insincerity of this is boggling - the USDA and Big Ag have worked to prevent inspections to the point where <http://www.animalla causfd2007wl1020 786.htm> farmers have had to actually sue to get them done , even after offering to pay for them.]

(b) INSPECTION OF RECORDS.-A food production facility shall permit the Administrator upon presentation of appropriate credentials and at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner

[Who defines "reasonable" ? Does a farmer have to go to court each time there is an "unreasonable" manner and time? How wide open do we push the door to Big Ag-corrupted government control over farmers - the people creating the only safe food?

Look carefully and realize the USDA right now is countenancing state ag departments conducting terrorizing raids on non-corporate farms across the country. Imagine it were your home and USDA agents banging on your door to demand paper work and if you don't have it, facing fines that would bankrupt you in a moment and lose you your land and home.]

, to have access to and ability to copy all records maintained by or on behalf of such food production establishment in any format (including paper or electronic) and at any location, that are necessary to assist the Administrator-

[Imagine again.]

(1) to determine whether the food is contaminated, adulterated, or otherwise not in compliance with the food safety law; or

[Be aware that in Pennsylvania where there has been an aggressive effort to destroy fresh milk dairy farmers, the tests by the states repeatedly do not match those of independent testers but the harm to farmers from such false tests and reporting of them is done and can't be undone. Be aware that the USDA has a record of creating test results damaging to small farmers while it refuses to inspect even when farmers ask to pay.]

(2) to track the food in commerce.

[This could mean farmers bringing food to markets with USDA agents surveilling. ]

(c) REGULATIONS.-Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture and representatives of State departments of agriculture, shall promulgate regulations to establish science-based minimum standards for the safe production of food by food production facilities. Such regulations shall-

[Everything in this bill is being left to be filled in however the "Food Safety Tsar" - "the Administrator" decides? Right now, to give people pause and to wake them up a bit to how this is not a wise idea but in fact absurd, it appears that person could be Michael Taylor, a Monsanto lawyer infamous for approving rBGH - the first genetically engineered product ever approved - over the objections of doctors, scientists who said the numbers were being rigged, and the public.

How can anyone leave a bill so utterly vague in the hands of anyone to decide later what it all means? Do we not make laws here with specific meaning anymore? Or do we simply let totalitarian rules be applied by industry against non-industrial entities like farms and homes in any way they wish and with immense police power behind what they, for their own interests, decide?]

(1) consider all relevant hazards, including those occurring naturally, and those that may be unintentionally or intentionally introduced;

[Goodbye raw milk.]

(2) require each food production facility to have a written food safety plan that describes the likely hazards and preventive controls implemented to address those hazards;

(3) include, with respect to growing, harvesting, sorting, and storage operations, minimum standards related to fertilizer use, nutrients, hygiene, packaging, temperature controls, animal encroachment, and water;

[Goodbye organic farming.]

(4) include, with respect to animals raised for food, minimum standards related to the animal´s health, feed, and environment which bear on the safety of food for human consumption;

[Goodbye organic farming and grassfed animals.]

(5) provide a reasonable period of time for compliance, taking into account the needs of small businesses for additional time to comply;

[Oh, heavens, this looks like padding to throw in the word "reasonable" again but it has no explicit meaning whatever and so no safety for a soul.]

(6) provide for coordination of education and enforcement activities by State and local officials, as designated by the Governors of the respective States; and

[This appears to be where Homeland Security works with the USDA for such things as "depopulation of animals" - for which 6 meetings are already scheduled in June and into which livestock owners are not allowed though foreigners are.

These "depopulation" plans look like what is happening in Asia where animal disease caused by industry (and <http://www.globalre index.php? context=viewArti cle&code= ENG20051127& articleId= 1333> worth a fortune to the pharmaceutical industry ) are then used by industry to <http://www.ens- newswire. com/ens/feb2006/ 2006-02-27- 01.asp> wipe out its competition in heritage breeds of animals on small farms and to substitute genetically engineered animals that are patented by industry and thus owned by industry.

(7) include a description of the variance process under subsection (d) and the types of permissible variances which the Administrator may grant under such process.

(d) VARIANCES.-States and foreign countries that export produce intended for consumption in the United States may request from the Administrator variances from the requirements of the regulations under subsection (c).

[This is where the "fact" that foreign countries must meet our food safety requirements collapses by simply reading the bill.]

MYTH: The bill would implement a national animal ID system.

FACT: There is no language in the bill that would implement a national animal ID system. Animal identification issues are under the jurisdiction of the USDA. The Food Safety Modernization Act addresses issues under the jurisdiction of the FDA.

This bill mandates NAIS BY claiming that it is already law,

then contradicts itself by citing COOL, which specifically prohibits mandatory tracking.

It justifies NAIS by claiming that the AHPA gives authority - but this is a bill (and supposedly a program) concerning interstate commerce (though any item of food for sale is "presumed" to be in interstate commerce, whether it is in reality or not.) and AHPA does not regulate interstate commerce.

How many contradictions in a single section do we need before red flags go up?

[Yes, and put up red flags for whole bills if this central part is so corruptly being pushed.

Below in red, Sue answers the absurd claim that NAIS is not mandatory. FWW has gotten this and many other items wrong. That would be fine if the whole organic movement and all our farms and freedom were not riding on our seeing these very real threats and stopping those bills completely - not compromising on them but demanding their complete withdrawal.]

(a) In General- The Administrator, in order to protect the public health, shall establish a national traceability system that enables the Administrator to retrieve the history, use, and location of an article of food through all stages of its production, processing, and distribution.

(b) Applicability- Traceability requirements under this section shall apply to food from food production facilities, food establishments, and foreign food establishments.

(c) Requirements-

(1) STANDARDS- The Administrator shall establish standards for the type of information, format, and timeframe for food production facilities and food establishments to submit records to aid the Administrator in effectively retrieving the history, use, and location of an item of food.

(2) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION- Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring the Administrator to prescribe a specific technology for the maintenance of records or labeling of food to carry out the requirements of this section.

(3) AVAILABILITY OF RECORDS FOR INSPECTION- Any records that are required by the Administrator under this section shall be available for inspection by the Administrator upon oral or written request.

(4) DEMONSTRATION OF ABILITY- The Administrator, during any inspection, may require a food establishment to demonstrate its ability to trace an item of food and submit the information in the format and time frame required under paragraph (1).

(d) Relationship to Other Requirements-

(1) CONSISTENCY WITH EXISTING STATUTES AND REGULATIONS- To the extent possible, the Administrator should establish the national traceability system under this section to be consistent with existing statutes and regulations that require recordkeeping or labeling for identifying the origin or history of food or food animals.

[Does this mean consistent with international laws under the WTO? Is this a means of locking everything together into Smart Grid or NAFTA or CAFTA or GATT and even, the worst of all, CODEX?]

(2) EXISTING LAWS- For purposes of this subsection, the Administrator should review the following:

(A) Country of origin labeling requirements of subtitle D of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 ( < usc-cgi/newurl? type=titlesect& title=7&section= 1638> 7 U.S.C. 1638 et seq.).

(B) The Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act of 1930 ( < usc-cgi/newurl? type=titlesect& title=7&section= 499a-t> 7 U.S.C. 499a-t).

(C) Country of origin labeling requirements of section 304 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1340).

(D) The National Animal Identification System as authorized by the Animal Health Protection Act of 2002 ( < usc-cgi/newurl? type=titlesect& title=7&section= 8301> 7 U.S.C. 8301 et seq.).


MYTH: The bill is supported by the large agribusiness industry.

FACT: No large agribusiness companies have expressed support for this bill.

This bill is being supported by several Members of Congress who have strong progressive records on issues involving farmers markets, organic farming, and locally-grown foods.

[Who almost certainly have not read the bills or can't interpret how it will work to destroy farmers, organic food, seed banking, and all of us.]

Also, H.R. 875 is the only food safety legislation that has been supported by all the major consumer and food safety groups, including:

[Perhaps others know details on each organization and why they might be supporting a bill that is so threatening to real food safety and to the survival of our farms and organic farming.]

-- Center for Foodborne Illness Research & Prevention

-- Center for Science in the Public Interest

-- Consumer Federation of America

The Consumer Federation of America (CFA) is a long-standing consumer organization based in Washington, DC. However, it has accepted funding from the <http://www.sourcewa php?title= Rockefeller_ Foundation> Rockefeller Foundation to "develop an optimum regulatory regime" for genetically engineered food.

-- Consumers Union
-- Food & Water Watch

[Food and Water Watch just put out a description of the bill in which it is apparent they do not understand what is in it and what it will do. With that as their starting point, they support it.]

-- The Pew Charitable Trusts

[They are also connected to the Rockefeller Foundation, and involved with them in mandatory vaccinations programs around the world and issues of reducing population.]

-- Safe Tables Our Priority 
-- Trust for America´s Health

[There is no list here of groups opposing this bill, which include the people whose lives are most at risk from it and who know its dangers the best and who should have been the first people consulted. Instead, they have been shut out and when they have tried to report extreme dangers, they have ignored, dismissed, marginalized. Perhaps the other organizations listed here are as unfamiliar with the bill's contents and ramifications as FWW.]

If you consider that not only is Rosa DeLauro married to Stanley Greenberg, who boasts Monsanto as one of his clients, but also that she receives the largest donations from agribusiness PAC's of just about anyone in Congress, does industry NEED to come out and say they support this particular bill? If cash to the sponsor doesn't count, and if formal positions supporting various specific aspects of the bill do not count, then what does? Would there not be massive public backlash against it if industry DID take a formal stand on every bill they want to see passed?

By the same token, I've not seen a single industrial ag company come out and oppose this bill, either. They have all been conspicuously silent. I seem to remember that they threw up quite a fuss over COOL, and caused enforcement to fall behind by more than 7 years... Not to mention the garbage with loopholes we've had to deal with since enforcement began. (What good does a "Canada, US, Mexico" label do for anybody? Especially with BSE in Canada and TB coming in daily from Mexico?) Where's the hoot and holler over this?

MYTH: The bill will pass the Congress next week without amendments or debate.

FACT: Food safety legislation has yet to be considered by any Congressional committee.

I can't speak to the time frame.

[It came from those who first discovered the bills were there, inserted only one week after Vilsack had said the USDA wasn't even considering centralizing the FDA and USDA at this time, so people saw how similar the bills were, knew who fast other things were being shoved through Congress without even reading those bills, and estimated how fast this could happen.

Perhaps with people alerted now, these bogus "food safety" bills can be stopped by the organic community once it realizes they will destroy utterly it.]

However, since I did have the luxury of listening to the farce taking place on the floor of the House of Representatives on March 11 concerning HR1105 (which FUNDS NAIS among its hundreds of other projects) while awaiting the Livestock, Dairy and Poultry subcommittee hearing on NAIS - I have no doubt that this bill will move quickly now that 1105 has passed and since it has so many co-sponsors.

Especially since the Representatives were honest enough to admit that though the Senators claimed every bill in the Omnibus Act had been heard and passed in the previous session, when in actuality, some 100 of the 170 bills in the package had NOT.

But this is my personal opinion.

The "ominous Omnibus Act" as several Representatives called it, went from introduction to the President unless than 13 working days.

I really have to question just who's side those groups are really on that are in support of this bill.....

And finally,



by Gail Combs

Our food safety system was trashed in 1995 by Sec of Ag Ann Veneman (Board member of Monsanto). She appointed Dan Amstutz (VP of Cargill) who wrote the World Trade Organization Agreement on Agriculture (WTO AoA). Unlike GATT, WTO has major clout from trade sanctions and control of 90% of the international trade. <http://www.publicey eonscience. ch/images/ the_wto_and_ the_politics_ of_gmo.doc> http://www.publicey eonscience. ch/images/ the_wto_and_ the_politics_ of_gmo.doc

"Aims to ensure that governments do not use quarantine and food safety requirements as Unjustified trade barriers.. It provides Member countries with a right to implement traceability {NAIS} as an SPS measure." WTO

In other words the WTO did away with "quarantine and food safety requirements" that gave us "the safest food in the world" and is graciously going to allow Farmers to track AND COUNT the world's livestock for them instead. Now HR 875 and an FDA release indicate All food will be tracked and all food producers will have Food inspections and the threat of fines up to $1,000,000 a day will eliminate all the independent farms that have acted as a check on Corporate AG.

The FDA wants

* to implement a more effective trace-back process, using technologies to rapidly and precisely track the origin and destination of contaminated foods, feed and ingredients <http://www.fda. gov/oc/initiativ es/advance/ food/questions. html> http://www.fda. gov/oc/initiativ es/advance/ food/questions. html

Nanotech in Food can make it happen "California's Oxonica makes Nanobarcodes from nano-particles that contain silver and gold stripes varying in width, length and amount, such that billions of combinations can be created to tag individual products. The barcodes have been primarily used to assure brand and authenticity in pharmaceuticals, but applications could be forthcoming in tracing food batches".http://www.nanotech - <http://www.nanotech news.cgi? story_id= 32231> <http://www.nanotech news.cgi? story_id= 32231> news.cgi?story_ id= <http://www.nanotech news.cgi? story_id= 32231> 32231 <http://www.nanotech news.cgi? story_id= 32231>

In regards to pets

HR 875 uses "animals" and then "animals raised for food" and there are no exclusions. The Animal Welfare Act had exclusions for livestock, pets and people raising three or less litters of puppies a year. Therefore pets are not excluded.

"set good practice standards to protect the public and animal health and promote food safety"

"conduct monitoring and surveillance of animals, plants, products, or the environment, as appropriate"

"with respect to animals raised for food, minimum standards related to the animal's health, feed, and environment which bear on the safety of food for human consumption;

In regards to gardens:

The Feds Already have plans for controlling food "FROM FARM TO FORK" including home preparation since September of 1995 (WTO ratified in 1995)

HR 875

"require each food production facility to have a written food safety plan that describes the likely hazards and preventive controls implemented to address those hazards;"

"include, with respect to growing, harvesting, sorting, and storage operations, minimum standards related to fertilizer use, nutrients, hygiene, packaging, temperature controls, animal encroachment, and water"

"include, with respect to animals raised for food, minimum standards related to the animal's health, feed, and environment which bear on the safety of food for human consumption; "

"set good practice standards to protect the public and animal health and promote food safety"

"..facility owned or operated by a person located in any State that processes food or a facility that holds, stores, or transports food or food ingredients. "

Notice it does not say a person SELLING food, it says a person holds, stores, or transports food or food ingredients. The bill specifically states it covers commerce with in state but again there is no exclusion for food raised for home use. The fact you are growing veggies for your and friends and not selling them does not exclude you.

"in any action to enforce the requirements of the food safety law, the connection with interstate commerce required for jurisdiction SHALL BE PRESUMED TO EXIST."

Under Ag Sec. Veneman ...

in September, 1995, the USDA's Food Safety & Inspection Service presented a 600-page document "Farm-To-Table" intended to control of every step in the food chain from production to home preparation. http://www.haccpall <http://www.haccpall sub/news/ AAMPReport. pdf> sub/news/AAMPReport .pdf <http://www.haccpall sub/news/ AAMPReport. pdf>

This is a real life example of what has already occurred and what people may have in store:

Today a state Ag inspector and two county officials show up and scare the bee-jesus out of me. First they accuse me of selling products and milk, then explain that even "giving milk products away" is illegal in California. Now everything is pasteurized, but it is illegal to share milk products in any form! They explained it was even ILLEGAL to give it to my own children if they did not live under my roof! I can´t even take a lasagna dish to my grown sons home without risk of being fined, arrested and or jailed! This is OUTRAGEOUS!! !!....." Donna Tue Aug 12, 2008 <http://finance. com/group/ Americans_ Against_NAIS/ message/26452> http://finance. com/group/ Americans_ Against_NAIS/ message/26452

More stories on Feds raiding farms and co-ops <http://www.worldnet index.php? fa=PAGE.view& pageId=84445>http://www.worldnet index.php? fa=PAGE.view& pageId=84445

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The related package of "food safety" bills are totalitarian. There are no two ways about it.

They allow government warrantless intrusion into and extreme, detailed, surveilled control over every aspect of farmers' land and home, straight-jacketing them into a bureaucratic nightmare which precludes their even functioning as farmers. And yet for real food safety and for food security, it is exactly farmers we need.

We need the real food they produce and the farmland they spare and protect from industrialization and the heritage animals and seeds they raise and their knowledge about nature and animals, and we need the way of life they represent. Free. How interesting that to have real and clean and wholesome food, it requires that farmers have freedom.

These bills which claim to be about "food safety" but are proven in the EU already to be about the destruction of farmers, are so frighteningly broad, they allow the government to take over our lives, too. They allow the government to use rules written by multinational corporations within the WTO, to control whether we can garden or how, whether we chip our pets, even what happens inside our homes in our kitchens.

These controls all for mandating things that make money for corporations just as we are all trying to get off the corporate grid of power, fuel, food, ... Now it is easy to appreciate people' resistance to mandated vaccines (and they keep adding more kinds).

There is point at which we must say stop. Our lives are our own, our property is our own, our decisions on what to eat and how to heal ourselves are our own. We must protect our own freedom and now it is apparent how intimately tied it is those who have been providing for us for ever - our farmers.

HR 875, SR 425, HR 814, HR 759 and all related bills must be withdrawn immediately and then trashed.

Author's Bio: Linn Cohen-Cole is a leftist who was lucky enough to meet libertarian and conservative farmers and become friends, learning an incredible amount about farming and nature and science, as well as about increasing government violations against them and against us all. It's not only nothing like what we've been taught to assume about the other side of the fence, it's full of great people with immense decency.